Legal warning

When you purchase products from BlackBull Seed Bank (, you are agreeing to our Terms & ConditionsPrivacy Policy, and Legal Disclaimer.

At BlackBull Seed Bank, our cannabis seeds are intended solely as collectable, adult, novelty souvenirs.

If we are concerned that any customer will be planting, germinating, or harvesting our products in a country where this is illegal, we have the right to refuse sale.

Germinating Your Seeds

At BlackBull Seed Bank, our cannabis seeds are intended solely as collectable, adult, novelty souvenirs.

At BlackBull Seed Bank, we encourage all customers to understand and follow the laws of their country of residence. We do not condone acting outside these laws in any way, and will accept no legal responsibility for laws or regulations broken by possession or use of our products.

International Sales

Our seeds are sold with the condition that they not be used in any way that interferes with or directly goes against laws established in the city or region where the purchaser resides.

Different countries have different regulations and laws regarding the purchase, sale, and use of cannabis seeds.

It is legal in many countries to buy and sell cannabis seeds, but we strongly recommend determining the laws in your area of residence before ordering from BlackBull Seeds.

In Spain, where BlackBull Seed Bank is located, it is legal to sell and purchase cannabis seeds as collectible souvenirs. As such, BlackBull Seed Bank accepts no responsibility for any products or shipments intercepted or seized due to the laws of other countries.

Resources on BlackBull Seed Bank

Any and all information offered by, including but not limited to content on growing or using marijuana, or the legalities surrounding it, is available for educational purposes only. Information on this site is in no way intended to encourage, excuse, or endorse the illegal use of our products.

Though we do our best to provide up-to-date, correct information, we cannot guarantee the 100% accuracy of our educational resources.